4 Fantasy & Real Swords for Decor and Cosplay

Swords were one of the earliest weapons used for warfare. Warriors used to have bladed weapons for battling their enemies. But since firearms and nuclear weapons came to the picture, swords for sale were replaced.
However, the popularity of swords was never reduced.
Instead, they were used for other purposes (I mean purposes other than fighting and self defense).
Today, they are being used for decor and role play. Today, I have come up with fantasy and real swords that you can use for cosplay and decor.
1. Masahiro Ancient Warrior Folded Damascus Blade Katana
There is nothing more spectacular than a katana sword. It is still believed to be the greatest sword of all time.

It was originally a samurai sword who used it for fighting their enemies.
Also, ninjas used it but their sword was straight. This sword has a curved blade which makes it beautiful. You can use it to role play and for keeping it at your home as a decor.
2. Hattori Hanzo Bills Samurai Sword Replica
This is another fantastic sword you can use for decor as well as cosplay. It has a curved blade and is a katana sword.

It is made of stainless steel and is a real sword. However, it is good to use it for cosplay because it looks real. It is also nice to have such a sword displayed at your home and office.
3. Knight Errant Foam Latex Sword Cosplay Costume
This is a fantasy sword which is used for cosplay and role play. You can use it as a part of your costume while playing your role on stage.

It does not look real but it is the best sword to display at your office and home decor. It is made of foam and safe for use.
4. Red Oathkeeper Fantasy Sword Of Heroes
This is another fantasy sword that both cosplayers and enthusiasts can have in their arsenals. This is a sword of heroes and comes with a plaque to hang it along the wall.

Hence, it can be used for cosplay as well as decor. Though it is made of stainless steel but it does not look like real.
So, these are some real as well as fantasy swords that can be used for such purposes!